The Networking Studio Blog

Erin Nightingale Erin Nightingale

6 Things to Keep in Mind When Writing Blind Characters

Why do we write blind characters? As a blind author, I like to use my disability as my trademark; at some point in each of my stories, a character will either go blind or find themselves in a long-term situation where they’re as good as. Other authors may be trying to spread awareness or perhaps explore what it might be like to live as a person with blindness. Sometimes blindness might give a character a unique edge or flare. And sometimes characters simply fall fully-formed into our psyches, disabilities, and all.

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Brittany Dowdle Brittany Dowdle

Accessibility in Publishing: An Introduction

Most writers are trying to bring people in with their writing. Authors work hard to craft their message and use illustrations, charts, and images to engage their audience through more than just dazzling prose. To do that, authors invite readers in—though e-books, print, websites, and social media posts. But are we making our content accessible enough?

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Brittany Dowdle Brittany Dowdle

Networking: A Tool for Reaching Your Yearly Goals

At its core, networking is about building a web of meaningful connections, and for every goal that you’ve set for yourself this year, networking can help you achieve it—or at least close the distance significantly.

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