Prepare for Any Networking Event, Part 3: What Do I Need to Bring/Have with Me?

And you’ve made it to part 3 of our networking prep series. Look at you being all motivated and driven! In this post we think about those little things that will make our lives easier when attending an event where networking with others is a possibility. If you haven’t read part 1 or part 2 yet, consider adding them to your TBR list.

Because I have a hard time keeping track of all the things I need to get done in a day (hello work, hello family, hello unexpected real life thing I wasn’t planning for), I’m a list person. The day before my meeting I like to jot down the things I need to have with me. What’s a positive side effect of doing this? I sleep better at night and don’t wake up at 2:00 a.m. thinking, “Please don’t let me forget my water bottle.” I know, it sounds so simple, but writing down things I can later check off actually does help!

When you make your list, keep it concise, but consider everything you might need. This is what my list looks like when I’m going to an in-person conference or meeting:

  • cell phone (charged)

  • phone charger

  • business cards or bookmarks with my business info (most people like getting a nice bookmark, so why not get some made with your contact info on them?). Bring more than you think you’ll need.

  • a copy of a book I recently edited and am proud of (just in case I want to give it away to someone)

  • a small notebook or notepad (I usually use this to jot down not only notes about the meeting, but also new business opportunities or networking ideas I come up with)

  • a pen and a Sharpie (I make it a point to write on any business card I’m given where I met that person; otherwise, I’ll forget)

  • hand sanitizer (and because of the times we are in, I bring a face mask too)

  • tissues

  • water

  • mints

  • snacks (though I usually buy one at the venue because it’s another chance to socialize)

  • a pin I’ll wear on my shirt as a “conversation starter” (I keep several and rotate them, but my favorite is a Bob Ross pin that says, “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents”). Some people choose to wear a special tie, a necklace, a hat, or a scarf.

If, instead, I’m on a video call, before my call I will do the following:

  • turn off or mute my cell phone

  • check to make sure my background is organized

  • wear clothing that isn’t too loud or distracting (I don’t want people focusing on my clothes but on what I have to say)—unless the point of the call is to have fun, like when I’m hosting a social for PEN or EFA’s Diversity Initiative, then I’ll wear something funny on purpose

  • prepare a list of questions or topics I want to address

  • research the panelists I will be moderating (if that is my role), or the person who is hosting the call, or the potential client; or, if this meeting is with editors I know, I’ll look at their latest social media posts to see what they’re up to, so I can acknowledge their work

These tiny prep steps allow me to be focused on the meeting, and not wondering about other things (like, did I forgot to put my phone on “do not disturb”?). And by eliminating my known distractions, I’m able to be fully present and take the experience in.

Though all of these are just ideas, they might inspire you to try something new that will work for you as you prepare to network. If you have other fabulous ideas you’d like to add to this list, let us know! Send us an email to and we might just add yours too (and credit you for it, of course!).

Linda Ruggeri is a full-service editor and project manager based out of Los Angeles. She coauthored the historical memoir Stepping Into Rural Wisconsin: Grandpa Charly’s Life Vignettes from Prussia to the Midwest and Networking for Freelance Editors. She can be found online at The Insightful Editor and on Instagram.


Prepare for Any Networking Event, Part 2: What Do I Need/Want to Promote?


Prepare for Any Networking Event, Part 4: What Am I Going to Offer?